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The Beginning of Litchfield Fire Department

The Litchfield Fire Department date back to 1872 and in 1877, Articles of Incorporation were drawn up, with P. Eckstrom being the first Fire Chief. Their equipment consisted of one Babcock extinguisher and the usual hook and ladders. In 1883 the city furnished the department with the cataract hand engine and 1,000 feet of hose and two hose carts. They were housed in the old frame school house. The brick fire hall was not built until 1886. A Bucket Brigade of 25 members assisted the department, it was organized in 1882. Water was drawn from four cisterns which held 150 gallon when the alarm sounded, four members took their station at the big pump with the wide wooden handles and the rest carried buckets. That pump stood on the side street near Sandgrens shoe store (2nd Street East and Sibley Avenue North).